
Palmer Ranch Animal Clinic

8467 S Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34238
Clinic Hours: Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm

Call Us Today! (941) 925-7000

Health and Wellness

IMG 8181

The staff at Palmer Ranch Animal Clinic wishes you and your furry friends a very safe and happy 4th of July! As you prepare for the fireworks tonight, please keep your pets safe by keeping them indoors. Better yet, break out the toys and healthy treats so your pet will have a positive association with fireworks 🎆  If your pet is older, provide a “safe place” away from windows and drown out the sounds by putting the TV or radio on. You may also consider a supplemental support like Composure 🌱  it can help gently calm your pet when they are dealing with environmental stressors like fireworks and traveling. Dogs and cats alike find it delicious

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